I'm open for business, 2011, yay! I have enjoyed my break, the hardest part was starting vacation, the first two days I was itching to go online and work, but after that I did get used to it so much I postponed my return a whole day. Now I am just as keen to do all that my creating and promoting requires and to plan my year.
What's New for Starry Girl by Starzyia in 2011?
Well I have just scrapped my existing store sections (earrings, jewelry, etc) in favour of sections like 'colour therapy', 'crystal healing', 'symbolic and traditional' etc this is a trial phase, so if you are familiar with my old sections and visit the store now, I'd love to know if you think this makes finding stock easier or more difficult.
The colour therapy section aims to provide a burst of colour energy and look gorgeous for you while being very thrifty.
The crystal healing section is where you will find natural gemstone creations that combine the healing properties with colour therapy too... super combinations for any purpose.
Don't forget that many of my creations will be drawn from multiple disciplines so it is worth looking in multiple sections.
I have just listed the three crystal healing necklaces pictured in this post, and will add through the year. Currently I have chrysocola, jade, new jade/serpentine, citrine quartz, rose quartz, apatite, and autumn jasper healing creations in my etsy store
www.starzyia.etsy.comMy facebook birthday club is now up and running, members receive a 15% store discount for my etsy and madeit stores during the month of their birthday. If you haven't signed up but would like to, visit my facebook fan page (use the link on the right of page), click like (if you are not already a liker) and click on discussions.... under the birthday club discussion, post the month of your birthday, and you will be a full member!
I'm hoping all my friends and supporters have a great 2011, best of luck with all your adventures, creations, and goals, xxoxoxx Starry