A few handmade etsy finds I've been crushing on lately....
Top image is a cotton knit, so its a great fashion choice for vegans. Ruffled Cotton Scarf with Rose Scarf Pin handcrafted by beadedwire on etsy
Although I have recently been banned from sitting on my sofa (phsyiotherapists list of rules for my back) I love beautiful cushions for my lounge, bed, and my dressing room day bed where I sit and read in the day. Long time readers might realise that purple is my fave colour! This creation is the lovely Indah Aubergine Decorative Cushion Cover by snuggleupcushions on etsy.
While I'm on this purple bender, here is a beautiful necklace by fellow Australian etsian and DUST member dspdavey, this necklace was selected for the front page of etsy! Eggplant Beauty Necklace
MMMmmmm time to change into my very relaxing purple pjs and relax, yes it is only turning 4pm but I'm tired, in pain, and just want to signal to myself that the day's work is done and its going to be a lot more comfortable from here on!
Thanks for including my necklace in this pretty purple collection. Purple is my fave colour. :)
Aubergine, eggplant, purple, indigo whatever. Love the colour and love your bits and pieces. Great finds Starry.
Are you still having problems with your back?
Sending all the healing thoughts I can muster my friend.
Take care and know that you are loved Chez xo
Hi Starry,
Love the knit, and also the colour of the neckless, both very feminine and appealing. Yes I agree, great finds.
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