Here I am sitting down at the end of a long day with a sigh of happiness. Can't be luckier than that.
On the Tokens of Appreciation Make the World Go Round front, I am happy to report that many people have received their sets of tokens and have responded most enthusiastically.
I have received my first token of appreciation from my lovely cousin Betty.
And tokens are circulating in Australia and are on their way to the US, Germany, and the UK.
and now for my big announcement: I Am On Etsy, Yes I Have Opened on Etsy
www.etsy.com is an international online market for handmade goods and craft supplies, my store there is called Starry Girl, and can be accessed by my username Starzyia; through my link on the right of my blog page; or by my URL starzyia.etsy.com
I hope you will come and visit me and give me any feedback, I am yet to upload my stock of cards but my jewellery, chiefly earrings, can be viewed there as we speak. And from time to time other crafted items as my inspiration leads me will also be available.
Thanks to everyone who has been supportive of my quest to spread Tokens of Appreciation, and my adventure into Etsy... you are all so wonderful and deserve my love,
xxx Starry
Congrats, Starry. :) Wishing you unceasing creativity and lots of orders.
I am curious to know more about this token of appreciation movement...sounds lovely! Congrats on your etsy shop, pretty jewelry!
thank you both, I am quite happy and excited at the moment, each night when my head hits the pillow I think of new creations and cute names for them, I admit I am falling asleep with the words 'fat ladies, curly wurlies, sweet talkers etc going through my head!
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