Hi everyone, sorry I have been away unwell, now back just to share something I wrote on Good Friday last year in my gratitude journal. If you aren't religious you might not enjoy it, I just wanted to share with my friends....
It is Good Friday and I have just been reading Matthew 26, Jesus in Gethsemane. It is one of the most poignant and haunting accounts. It strikes me that on that night, in that garden, Jesus was the loneliest soul on Earth. He knew what was to come, a sacrifice and a suffering beyond our imagination, to be endured for the sake of man and evern as He knew His companions could not comprehend it, He simply asked for their company.
Matthew 26:38 "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me".
To think of Jesus coming willingly to Earth, to live out the Plan of Redemption, only to find as the time ran down, drawing closer to His crucifixion, that He was increasingly troubled by the immense pain and torment of its prospect, enough to ask for release from it, but still willing to do His Holy Father's will, is one of the most beautiful examples of loving service and obedience.
I give thanks even knowing that I am grateful for something I will never fully realize or understand. For who could truly understand the weight of every sin that ever was or ever will be committed and the pain and suffering to result from them, to be inflicted at once physically and emotionally without relief until death came.
And simple, good hearted Peter, who three times fell in his vigil that night, to be found sleeping by his Lord Jesus. And three times to deny Him and be reminded of it by the cock's crow, how it must have hurt him. What a difficult thing to be so close to Jesus and to try and love and serve Him so well, we are all so imperfect there is none who could do it without fault....
I am grateful to Jesus, with my faith I witness His sacrifice and suffering, and I give my respect to Peter, an example of man's imperfection and also how we are still loved by our saviour and God.