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To all who read this, you are wished a wonderful weekend, and a Happy Valentine's Day, whether old friend or new, relative, or passerby, I have found great happiness through founding this blog, and you are the reason for this enjoyment. You have taught me that my passions, and ideas and kind words are wanted and welcome in this world, so thank you, and enjoy your day.
I am single but I believe this year holds great promise for me, I have already met some very fine fellows and am finally ready to move on in my life. It looks like it may be beginning to rain men, how can I complain, I am dizzyingly, spinetinglingly happy (yes I know they aren't proper words, I am after all, a writer) but I made up my first word very early in life when I declared that it was 'a puddly day' in a story for school. The school librarian who was filling in as a substitute teacher ummed and arhed and finally said, 'yes, I suppose it was a puddly day, good girl'.
So from my heart to yours, have a great Valentine's Day, xxx Starry
Well i`m glad that it`s raining men for you Starry....You deserve some happiness in your life and I hope that you find Mr Right..
Have a wonderful Valentines day my friend
thanks Mandy, I do hope you get some real valentines today to make up for silly Telstra yesterday. I got a lovely little treat from my Mum for looking after everything for her, boiled lollies from Darrell Lea, yay, one of my faves.
Have a Lovely weekend, Starry
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