Today I got a call to action from Amnesty International, asking me to upload my photo on behalf of Burmese conscience prisoners, these are the people imprisoned in Burma (Myanmar) for making comments 'against the government'. As the nation prepares for an election, we remember that the results of the last election were ignored and the winning canditate imprisoned in her own home. This respected woman, who has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, remains a prisoner, and over 2000 citizens are in Burmese prisons for their beliefs alone.
If you could please use this link http://3freedoms.ammesty.org/ you can have fun, give your friends and family a laugh at your 'prison pic', help promote awareness and hopefully achieve positive change for the people of Burma.
Amnesty International operates secure sites, and respects your privacy, your identity and email will not be used in the promotion, only a first name and a nation are displayed with your pic in the campaign. I have always enjoyed security and peace of mind while supporting the Charity.
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