I've been gathering sets of stamps again for my etsy shop, these are scanned images of Hungarian bird stamps which would make beautiful digital art, altered art, and jewelry for those inclined.
The lucky buyers of my stamp sets will have unlimited use of their stamps simply by scanning them before use!
I have Christmas stamps, birds, butterflies, cats, flowers... and can easily gather a set for you on another theme upon request. I am really loving sailing ships at the moment they are great for cards and gifts for men, and have a beautiful timeless feel. I have rainbow after rainbow of British Queen head stamps, in a size small enough for charm bracelet settings or earrings.
If you buy stamps from me and send a picture of your finished project I'd be happy to feature it here in my blog.
Very nice Starry! The bird stamps you have been finding are beautiful. :)
Starry, love the concept, and the birds are beautiful.
You come up with some fabulous ideas.
Thanks also for your comment on the last post. I appreciate particularly the fact that you are aware that love is all there is. Jezz taught me well!
Love and friendship Chez xo
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