A lovely surprise for me this week, a blog award from Jace (http://www.jacemakes.blogspot.com/) thank you so much Jace, what a lovely blog friend you are.
I am now going to pass the award on to other lovely blogs I enjoy, you will find many of the recipients on my blog roll on the right of this page.
Thanks to Jace and to all my readers, this would be a rather empty process if I didn't have you, without you it would be just me and my computer keyboard not a very personal experience at all.
have a great weekend everyone xxx Starry
Heh Starry,
What a fantastic honour! Thank you for passing that award on to me. I have only just seen it and will pass it on tomorrow to other worthy recipients.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. It is very very cold here in Dublin and raining like mad. Yeuk! Thanks again, Carol
Hi Starry, a great idea and well deserved....I always enjoy coming here to see what`s new in your world....
Hope you hv been well...The weather has been cold, wet and dreary her....Not able to do much at all this long weekend....
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