I have a wonderful friend named Donna, who told me last year that she was making the invitations for her friend's Mother Blessing, she asked me if I knew what this was, and I had to admit I had not heard of the idea. Donna was very kind and told me about the idea and sent the photo of the invitation above.
I have to say, the idea just delights me, so if you are thinking of having a baby shower for someone you know, perhaps you would consider changing the name of the event and incorporating the positive blessings that this special occasion deserves.
What is a mother blessing?
As Donna's invitation explains, "A mother blessing brings together a circle of women to honour and bestow positive energy on the mother-to-be as she prepares for the birth of her child. The tradition began with the Najavo American Indian ceremony 'the Blessing Way'.
It is a celebration of pregnancy and motherhood with focus on supporting and nurturing the mother-to-be. It gives the mother an opportunity to receive these blessings and encouragement for the journey ahead.
What do I bring to a Mother Blessing?
a flower flowers are symbolic of nature's abundance and beauty.
a small bead, charm, or button select one that you feel represents your well wishes for the mother and baby. At the mother blessing, all these trinkets will be threaded to make a necklace, a chain of linked hopes and positive thoughts that can be worn or placed in the birth suite during the delivery so the mother and baby feel surrounded by love.
your favourited inspirational quote or best advice to be compiled in a book for the mother-to-be so that she can read for strength and inspiration.
Mother Blessing activities
Threading the necklace and compiling the book are key activities.
Traditional baby shower gifts may be given to the mother.
Drinking a healthful toast (non alchoholic) perhaps the hostess will prepare a lovely toast for the mother and baby, asking for health, safety, comfort, guidance, and love.
I have heard of baby shower activities you may enjoy, in advance a patchwork square might be made by each guest and then at the blessing the squares are collected to make a finished quilt before the birth. Other activities I have seen include decorating nappies or 'onesies' (one piece baby suits) with non toxic pens or paints, each guest decorates a cloth nappy or a onesie for the baby.
At the end of the mother blessing creating a phonetree and giving each guest a candle to be lit when the mother goes into labour are a lovely touch and create the sense of a community of women channeling love and positive energy into the experience of mother and baby.
I hope you like the idea of a mother blessing, and that it enriches the lives of the precious women in your life, my love and best wishes to all mothers-to-be everywhere, xxx Starry
Oh that is a fabulous idea Starry if I get Pregnant I shall be demanding that! I like the sound of that more than being surrounded by baby Accoutrement...even if they're practical presents!
Well I can say i`ve never heard of this myself until now....Fabulous idea.....I`ll have to remember this for any future babies, not mine of course as i`ve done my bit for society...lol
Hey Shazam! I think it is nice to have the focus on the mother more than the baby as she is the one who is going through the big upheaval.... I can imagine you ordering your mother blessing. I will definitely want one too when my time comes.
I see you have made another post, I can't wait to go read it, you amuse me greatly, like minds and all that.
xxx Starry
Hi Mandy, yes you have done your bit for society with three wonderful (if trying at times) children. I can see you arranging a mother blessing for grandchildren on the way one day, but i know you don't want that to happen too soon after the recent scare. Perhaps Matt's daughter will be the next to bring a baby into the family?
You have a great day Mandy, xxx Starry
Hey Starry thx for the comment... And Im sure we'd get along good... I am shocked at myself because I Like the Twilight Book better then the Movie! SHOCK!HORROR! *gasp*!
Have a good day... Bye
I am making myself wait to see the movie till I have read all the books, (now onto Eclipse chapter 2). Sorry to hear you have a terrible cold, I had that for two weeks and was miserable, hope you get better a lot quicker, at least well enough to read (or perve on vampires and werewolves in the movie).
xxx Starry
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